Christopher B Mooney

Phone: (503) 320-0518

Commission a Portrait or Painting

Ever wanted an oil on canvas painting of a person, bridge, landmark, pet, or something important to you? Start the conversation, email a photo of what you want to have painted.

Portrait commissions typically include 3 sittings of 2-3 hours each. Reference photos are taken during the first visit in order to retain the details necessary to complete the portrait without the sitter being present. Paintings are in oil on canvas.


About Artist
Christopher B Mooney

I was born and raised in New York State, surrounded by an artistic family and a richly influential environment. During her first trimester of pregnancy with me, my mother contracted measles. As a result, I was born without hearing. I neither heard nor spoke until I was about four years old, though today I wear corrective devices and speak well. When one is deprived of one sense from an early age, the other senses compensate by growing stronger. In my case, it was my eyes. They taught me everything I knew about the world I had been born into. My sight continues to be my dominant sense, the only truly reliable way I have to perceive my world and the heightened sense that informs my work. I work very hard for my paintings to convey to the viewer the strength and the beauty that I see.

From Our Fans (Testimonials)

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“Chris is very talented, creative and hard working. His paintings are unique. On one hand, his work of relationships can be extremely personal and intimate. On the other, his paintings of bridges are acurately detailed and often show steel workers in their element, building bridges that connect this country. What I love about Chris Mooney’s paintings is they represent truth in different genres.”

— Karin Olsen Campia

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“I’ve been to a number of Chris’s open studios and gallery installations. I absolutely love the painting I purchased from him. He’s such a huge talent. My piece is a large painting of a piece of downtown including the Portland theater. I was scraping for coins for it, and it was well worth careful budgeting. I also admire Chris’s portraits. The Tillamook Bridge series is another big favorite. His artistic range is stunning. Portland is lucky to have him.”

— Samantha Waltz

Christopher B Mooney

Phone: (503) 320-0518
